Thursday, June 20, 2013

HOT TV Tonight! "God & Gays"

Some astonishing and highly necessary Thursday night
viewing is on tap tonight--meaningful to any LGBTQ person
or the people that love them, and especially anyone struggling
with the issues of religion/spirituality and homosexuality.

Oprah Network's (OWN) program is called
"God & Gays" hosted by Lisa Ling (an episode
of "Our America" actually,) and it debuts tonight at
10 P.M. EST. (Not to be confused with the 2006
documentary of a similar name, "God and Gays;
Bridging the Gap.")

The focus of the piece is Alan Chambers (infamous
leader of the organization "Exodus International"--see
my other blog post for more news there) and their
controversial and harmful 'reparative therapy' practices
that have destroyed millions of lives.

For a sneak peek and more info click here;


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