Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Superficial is as Far as We Need to Go

We have lost our sense of curiosity in this country.
Not the 'oops, there goes the basement' or 'I wonder what
I'll tell the wife about last night' brand of curiosity, but
rather the style of asking questions.
We take things at face value, and have ceased to endeavor
to discover what is under the surface. But I have questions...
so many, many questions that come to mind.

Like, what would make all these grown men and women
(and some especially grown ones) dedicate their lives to
criminalizing and demonizing homosexual men and women?

Why do these people imagine they are in any way linked to
a divine being when they exhibit all this rage and intolerance
and pride and self-importance?

What makes homosexuals the brunt of their focus?

What are they hiding in their heads, their hearts, their secret
recesses, their pasts? Their closets?
(Cuz the Bible I read told folks to get their own shit
in order, not to go looking for trouble elsewhere.)

Of all the things in all the world to divert their energies and
affections into, why us? Why not feeding the poor? Or clothing
the cold? Or healing the sick? Cuz I don't recall 'Berate the
lovers of the same sex' as part of the Beatitudes.

It's just curious to me. And, yes, curious as in 'I wonder what
it would feel like to get naked with another man?' curious.

What's beneath the surface?

I think we need to turn upside down the private lives of those
who would crucify us. It's just a question of justice.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Good for the Goose

Isn't is special....

that when I'm/we're getting dumped on, pissed on, shit on,
run over, disregarded, maligned, discarded, stepped on,
betrayed, ostracized, bullied, and so forth...

there's not a single worry or concern, no flag raised from
any quarter or corner by 'upstanding,' 'moral' citizenry that
cares so deeply for the welfare of their fellow man.

But, when I get fed up and become as tough and hardened
as the assholes who are out to destroy me, all of a sudden
my use of the same methods they used to denigrate and offend are
inappropriate, off-limits, distasteful, unacceptable, and cruel?

Thus, the insidiousness of having a second-class division (even
if only in the mentally-recessed minds of those who believe in
a separation between 'them' and 'us') is made crystal clear.
When there's indoctrination as to the idea of lessened worth of certain
others, the actions of discrimination don't take anyone by surprise.

And the need to ignore their double-standards and learn to
defend ourselves from them at all costs is underscored with
great prejudice.

Stand Up

Speak Out.

Demand Your Share.

And to Hell with those who want to shame and bully you into
'proper' actions. "Sitting back and taking it" is no longer on the

I don't know what leader they think they're following,
feeling justified in attempting to make our lives
harder, but I'll tell you it really is--

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Truth Comes Out, Along with 'Ex-Gays'

John Paulk finally renounces his renounced gay past
You say "ex-gay" and all I hear is
(as in "Super-Fag-Still-Likes-His-Dick-Licks,


"What department store men's room will I haunt today?"

Stop a hailstorm! Reshape Reality! Choose who lives
and who dies! Or just swap out which sex gets you hard!
The Power of Insanity and Wishful Thinking!
