Saturday, January 7, 2012

A new platform

I love this!

This was done by Ashly, of
to advertise her mag, The Riot.

This is exactly the Warrior attitude we need in the gay
community to take a stand against the outdated and
unacceptable notions and actions that persist.

And while many might erroneously think that because of
strides and visibility, we are doing better, we are actually
in a precarious place.

All the bigots and crazies are going to come at us harder
than ever because they see us as a threat to their lives
(Why? Who knows why crazy people do anything.
They're stupid, they're gullible, they're scared, they're
unwilling to change. That's all we need to know.)

The true directive is to get stronger; that's what we can control.
Let's give them something to worry about!


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